The world has been challenged by the outbreak of COVID-19 which is known as the coronavirus. Because of this now global pandemic, the norms of life can’t continue without taking special precautions. The CDC has given prescriptive protocols and we must comply to insure the safety of everyone.
The guidelines states that every community and faith-based organization should implement social distancing, reduce activity, consider offering video/audio of events and cancel gatherings of more than 10 people for the next few weeks. We, as people of the Lord, operate from a place of obedience and faith not fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 states, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
The decision has been made that we will move our morning worship service to online. You will experience praise and worship, moments of testimony and awesome preaching. The opportunity to give tithes and offering is available online or through the mobile app of givelify.
Let’s be diligent in prayer for our medical professionals, researchers, and government officials. This is a serious matter and nothing to be taken lightly. There is power in prayer. We will provide information through our membership portal via the app on your mobile devices and email.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Carrie Purdom