“And he gave some, apostles, and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ;” – Ephesians 4:11-16
Hospitality Department
President – Sister Beverly Pruitt
This department’s main purpose is to serve the Lord through service that are rendered to others. It is important to help win everybody we meet to the Lord by to making them feel comfortable with a smile and the love of Jesus. We also plan to serve in the house of God in the same capacity as the Levites as in Numbers 1:48-53….To be a door-keeper and a forerunner in the house of God.
Missionary Department
The Missionary Department of Purity Deliverance Holiness Church is meant to help those in need. Whether it may be, helping the elderly or feeding the hungry. One of the primary purposes of this is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ both at home and abroad. This department also provides assistance in meeting the needs of the saved and unsaved alike.
Mother’s Department
Supervisor – Mother Claudean Ollison
This department is comprised of a board of church mother’s to see after the church member and help place them where they belong. It is also their duty to see after the Young women, to teach them how to be good housekeepers; how to love their own husband, how to live with them; because the Bible said. “That the aged women shall teach the younger women, but she must show herself a pattern of good work.”(Tim 2:3-10)
Music Department
President / Minister of Music – Minister Jonathan McNeil
The biblical principle of praise is one of the most important principles in the Kingdom of God. When choirs praise God, miracles can happen and lives can be transformed. Praise shows honor and respect to God. To praise God is to “salute Him!”In addition to praise, worship ,being different from praise, is not just music or a song. Our worship is our lives presented to God as living sacrifices each day. We worship Him in and by His Spirit within us. It is not just a song that pleases God, but our lives lived wholly unto Him. The music ministry, now labled the second highest ministry in church, is a special gift whereby the Spirit enables Christians to praise God through various forms of music and enhance the worship experience. The purpose of the music ministry is to lead people into worship with God so that His heart is moved and the focus is on God Himself.
Sunday School Department
Superintendent – Deacon Charles Purdom
One of the best ways to start a Sunday morning is to attend Sunday school. This is a place to constantly learn more about God and His awesome power.
Youth Department
President – Evangelist Yvonne Purdom
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Y.P.L.J. (Young People Loving Jesus) is the Youth Department of Purity Deliverance Holiness Church. This department reaches out to the youth, to understand them and teach them how to deal with everyday problems. Youth in YPLJ get to know each other as family.